This little excerpt fits snugly between Chapters 13 and 14 of
Forthright on fanfiction.net. It didn't really fit with the way I wanted the story to go. In fact, I had originally not planned on writing a honeymoon at all, but after all the positive responses from reviewers after the wedding vows, it seemed silly to not show the honeymoon as well. So, here it is! I would like to take a moment to remind you that this is a lemon (which means "a sex scene"). It is for reasons like this that the
Mature Content warning pops up before you ever enter this blog...
I am going to eventually get around to posting excerpt in the outtakes for the story later on. However, that will not be until after the story is actually completed, so who knows how long that will be? Anyway, here comes the official disclaimer: I do not own the characters from the
Twilight series and am not professionally affiliated with said series in any way. I am not making any money off of these writings. They are here simply for your amusement, so do enjoy them!!
(For any readers not familiar with
Forthright, here's a short summary: It is the sequel to
The Secret. Perhaps that is where I should begin. Well, anyway, once upon a time, Edward met Bella and fell in love with her and stalked her while she was sleeping. Okay, that's a lot like the original so far, but here's where it changes. He dropped his wallet in her bedroom one night and it led to their awkward courtship where they both fell deeply in love with one another. By the time Ch. 13 of the sequel rolls around, Bella is a vampire, but she is still warm and her heart still beats because before Edward changed her, Jake mixed his blood with her. It's quite the tale, and it can be found by accessing my fanfic site at http://www.fanfiction.net/~duessadelesprit.)
Forthright: The Honeymoon
We were on a plane heading to our secret destination. I knew that Bella understood that now that we were married she would be entitled to everything I have (whether she liked it or not). Yet, she was still so insistent on not overspending for anything. I couldn’t have passed up this opportunity, though. Once she set the date for our wedding, I bought the tickets for our private plane ride, the swimsuits and the island. All in the same day, in fact. The part about actually purchasing the entire island, though... well… I might just keep that to myself for now. But in my defense, if you’re going to splurge on something, why not the honeymoon?
“Where are we headed?” she asked.
“The beach,” I replied cryptically, knowing my vague response would drive her crazy.
“You’ll have to be more specific. After all, every piece of land that touches a large body of water can be considered a beach. Some are not as fun as others,” she laughed.
“This beach is warm… just like you,” I said, kissing her arm, and moving my way up to her delicious neck, “And it’s sandy. The sand is white and the ocean is bright blue and clear, just like the skies overhead.”
“Ocean, huh?” she said. “And blue skies?”
“Yes,” I said, kissing the spot behind her ear that I knew drove her wild.
“That doesn’t narrow it down very much,” she pretended to complain as she started to breath somewhat heavily. She arched her back and her body naturally moved in a sensuous way.
“Then let me tell you a little bit more,” I whispered in her ear and she moaned.
I felt her breathing become deeper as I kissed down the side of her neck, up the front of it and along her jaw.
“Tell me everything,” she panted lustily.
“Every thing?” I teased that spot behind her ear again with my tongue as I asked.
“Yes,” she whimpered as her body begged the palms of my hands to caress her breasts.
I moved my right over her top, pulling it down slightly so that I might lick along the edge as I slid my left hand up her dress. My fingers walked their way along her inner thigh and my fingers couldn’t help but slide up the bridge of her panties.
“Then let me tell you what you do to me,” I said in a hushed tone against her neck.
Before we could go any further, the lights ahead of us turned on letting us know that our plane was getting ready to land. The pilot's voice sounded over a speaker, announcing that the passengers (Bella and myself) would be making our exit in less than ten minutes.
“Better yet,” I said with a kiss, “Wait just a little while longer, and I will show you what you do to me.”
The island was like a fantasy land that appeared in my dreams. I wondered if maybe I should pinch myself… was I going to wake up?
It wasn’t so terribly long ago that I saw myself as Edward’s Eponine… the girl who desperately loved him, but who he would never see as someone worthy to stand by his side. I always used to wait for him to pass me a note in Biology only for it to be for another girl… his Cosette. I used to laugh at that idea and how I would probably die crossing a battlefield to deliver the love note to his true love. But never in a million years was I prepared for the reality that I was his Cosette! I was his true love all along!
“What are you thinking?” he whispered in my ear as he carried me across the threshold of island’s one and only house.
“I’m afraid I’m going to wake up and none of this is going to have been real. I’m afraid that I dozed off in Biology and I’m going to wake up to last year and that none of this will have happened.”
“Well, Mrs. Cullen, if you are dreaming, I pray you never wake up. I want you to sleep forever, in such a case, so that you may always be with me.”
“I want that too,” I sighed.
“Then come to bed.”
I pressed my lips to his neck and giggled as he carried me upstairs.
The entire first floor was open other than the beams for supporting the upper two levels. Edward carried me up the two flights of stairs to the top floor. There was a sort of hallway that split the master bath from the open room and the sitting area. He carried me forward to the four-poster bed which was draped in thin white cotton curtains that flowed loosely in the breeze that came through the open windows.
He laid me down on the soft comforter and hopped in next to me.
“Do you like it?” he asked.
“The bed?”
“The island,” he chuckled.
“Yes! It is so beautiful. I wish we never had to leave, actually.”
“That can be arranged, my beautiful wife.”
His gaze was full of love as he hovered over me and straddled me. He took my wrists in his hands and lifted them over my head, pinning them above me. Now there was a more serious look in his eyes… one of passion and desire.
“You are every dream that I supposed I could never have,” he whispered, pushing his lips to a spot behind my ear that he no doubt knew would send electricity down my spine and coursing through my body.
“Am I?”
“Oh, Bella, yes. I existed for decades and decades, never imagining that you could be real and that I could have you. When you came along, I tried to keep myself from you. I didn’t want to interfere with your life because I honestly believed that I could never have you. I thought you wouldn’t want me…”
“Wouldn’t want you, Edward? Are you kidding me?” I laughed a little at the idea of me not wanting him after having supposed for so long that it was the other way around. “How could you think that? You know very well that you are the guy that every girl wants. What made you think that I wouldn’t want you too?”
“Well,” he grinned, “I may be able to read the thoughts of every woman in the world, except for you of course, but even if I could read your thoughts I would realize that you are not like every woman in the world. You are a singular thing. You do not have the same reactions as other women, Bella. You really are something else.”
“How’s that?” I asked, interested what made him see me as unique.
“Do you remember that night in my car?” he smiled at the memory, “When you told me to tell you want I wanted to tell you, when I wanted to tell you?”
“Yes,” I said, smiling too.
“When your lips touched my eyelids and moved over my face and down to my lips, I knew then that I would do anything to make this day happen. I would do anything to keep you forever, Bella.”
“You said that you didn’t have the strength to stay away from me anymore,” I remembered out loud.
“And I didn’t and never would again. I never will, Bella. I cannot be kept from you. I need you. Every day, I need you.”
“Show me?” I asked.
A half crooked grin spread across his handsome face and he pushed my wrists more tightly to the bed above my head. I closed my eyes as he moved his face to meet mine. He rubbed the side of my nose with his and pushed his lips forward to align with my pout. The sensation of cold, exotic shock was something I never grew tired of. Even though his lips were literally freezing, they burned against my flesh. They started on my lips and moved over my cheek and then brushed over the main artery of my neck.
“Your dress is very pretty,” he said with a smile.
“Thank you.” I wondered why he was choosing this moment to talk about my dress, with all the things we could be talking about… or doing…
“There will always be pictures of you in it to remember it by,” he said, gripping both of my wrists in only one of his hands as he curled the fingers of his other hand over the top of the dress and ripped it away from my body.
I gasped from the shock. My husband just tore my wedding dress off of my body and was tossing it to the floor of the bedroom we were going to share, doing things for the first time as man and wife. Well, vampire and wife, I amended mentally.
I decided that two could play at that game. My hands broke free from his grasp and I gripped his shirt by the collar, pulling it away from his body, making sure that every single button popped off as I did so. I didn’t stop there, but went straight for his pants as well.
“I was saving that tux to show our children someday,” he teased.
“Thankfully there will be plenty of pictures of you in it to remember it by,” I smiled devilishly.
“Oh, is that how it is?” he said with a playful grin.
“Well, Mrs. Cullen, don’t you just look so very pleased with yourself?”
“That’s because I am.”
“Yes, love, I can see that,” he said, eyeing my nearly naked body beneath his and laughing a little. “You know, though, I’m afraid I may have played a little prank on you.”
He slid his fingers into my panties and tore them away as well, leaving me completely without cover.
“A prank? What do you mean?”
“You see, my lovely bride, our luggage is empty.”
“What do you mean by empty?”
“I mean just what the word implies… containing nothing, without cargo, and vacant. Empty.”
“What will we wear?” I gasped.
“Whatever Alice sends us before we leave,” he laughed. “Our package will be arriving in four days.”
“Are you serious?” I giggled.
“Oh, yes. I rather do like you this way… naked and all.”
“You didn’t have to go through all that to get me naked, Edward. You need only ask.”
“Well, if I had only known…” he smiled, leaning in for another kiss.
I slid my fingers through his hair and gripped it tightly. I knew that would make him moan, which it did. I tugged his locks tightly and swirled my thumbs down his face.
“Only you could make me this happy,” he sighed.
He thrust his lower abdomen down on top of me and moved his legs between mine. He pushed my body to the mattress and gripped my thighs with his strong hands, lifting them so that they were around his waist. I heard him growl as he pushed his way forward, his center nearing mine. I could feel him hard against me. He licked his fingers and reached between us, massaging my hot center which was growing wet with want for him.
“I have you all to myself here,” he grinned, “And we can be as loud as we wish. I want you to moan for me, Bella. I want you to cry out when you come for me.”
“Then you’d better make me,” I grinned back.
“Oh, I will.” The playful look in his eyes disappeared and his tone became stern. “Turn over for me, baby.”
He quickly pushed my legs away and gripped my hip with one hand, turning me over as he wished. The sheets were warm against the front of my body. They had been basking in the sunlight that poured through the large windows all around us. Edward pushed his fingers along the small of my back, making it respond by naturally dipping down. He slid his fingers along either of my legs, trailing up from my knees to my thighs to my raised bottom. I felt his cool touch between us again, and he pushed his fingertips into my slick center.
“So ready,” he sighed, bringing his fingers to his lips. He gripped my hips and slid his way into my wetness. “Mmm,” he moaned, and I clinched around him from being so aroused. “Do you like this, Bella?” he said. He began thrusting against me lightly, slowly and in wide circles.
I nodded my head.
“Say it.”
“I like it, Edward,” I whispered.
“Louder, Bella…”
“I like it,” I pushed the words out… anything to make him move faster and move harder.
He grabbed me by the back of my thighs, pulling my knees out from underneath me so that I was completely flush with the sheets on the mattress. He pushed down on top of me and I felt him enter deeper than before. My back arched and my legs, on either side of him, wrapped around him.
“Harder,” I sighed.
“What was that?” he asked.
I knew very well that he could hear me and that he knew exactly what I wanted from him.
“Harder,” I said loudly.
He began to thrust harder and faster now. I began to moan as I felt the tension inside of my body rise and begin to move through the course of elation. I closed my eyes as my walls began to tighten. I was so near my release.
“Oh, Edward,” I sighed with love and lust.
My eyes popped open wide as I felt him push my legs away and spin me around again so that I now had my back on the bed and I was facing him. He pushed his lips into the hollow of my neck and hissed, “We are married now, love, and there is no reason here to whisper my name when you come. I want to hear you moan.”
I felt my lips part, and I was staring at him.
“You look like you don’t know what to say, darling,” he grinned. “Why don’t you say my name again, but this time… a little louder…?”
He began to thrust again, this time stroking inside of me to a slow, steady rhythm. After having been so close to the edge once and not being allowed to be pushed the rest of the way, my orgasm was now looking for any excuse to explode. The pace he set was enough to sway my body to rush forward and cry out with need.
“Let me,” I moaned, “Let me have it!”
“Yes,” he hissed in my ear. “You are not a little girl, Bella. You are my wife. And when I fuck you, I want to hear it! Understood?”
“Yes,” I moaned. “Yes, yes, yes…”
He began to push into me harder now and faster.
“Oh God, yes!” I screamed.
At last, the energy that had built up inside of me from his moving back and forth against me released and rocked through my body. I cried out with wild abandon, knowing that no one other than my husband could hear my wailing.
“I love you, Bella,” he said, pushing faster now for his own reward. “I love to hear you. I love to hear…”
He gripped me at the waist and reached his arm around my back to pull me up to him. He released inside of me and continued to push and pull until we both felt numb.
“I love you too,” I whispered as he lay down and pulled me on top of him.
His fingers twined through my hair as we laid in bed, staring out of the large windows to the forthcoming sunset.