Saturday, May 29, 2010

"Linger" and Grieving

Initially, the reason that I wrote Linger was because I wanted to explore the deep psychological, spiritual and emotional pain that would be experienced by Edward when he realizes that he's just done the douchiest thing he can possibly be capable of. I hated that he left Bella in New Moon and I decided it was time for some payback, lol. However, as I thumbed over the idea for a few weeks, I decided that I still wanted them to find a way to be together. I don't think I could ever write a Bella/Edward story where they didn't end up happily ever after, and so they will in this story too.

In chapters 1 and 3 there is mention of a gypsy woman who tells fortunes. She is the catalyst behind what will bring them together once again. I don't want to give too much away, but I'm working on chapters 4 and 5 today and hope to have them posted soon. I don't know how long the story will be and have yet to hammer out some of the critical events in the middle, but I know how it will end, and two points is enough to determine a line, so I went ahead and started posting the story blindly, lol. But you know, even when I have a neat little detailed outline, things still get twisted all around; I just can't help myself, you know?

Anyway, just be assured that this story is a love story and in the end, that's all it's ever really about.


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